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In Cogeneration Plant :

The generated steam in boiler is used for both power generation & process heating, thereby reducing the condenstion losses compared to thermal power plant.

In combined cycle first is gas turbine , rather than wasting the flue gas from gas turbine, we are sending it into boiler and again generating steam for running steam turbine.

Both the ways we are increasing the thermal efficiency of the plant

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Q: What is the difference between combined cycle and cogeneration?
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If you are irregular are you supposed to have a period every month?

Irregular menstrual cycles mean that there is no predictability in a persons menstrual cycles. Typically when a person has irregular cycles there are weeks or months difference between menstruation and/or they may have irregular bleeds between menstruation. You an have monthly periods with an irregular cycle, but often people think their cycles are irregular because they don't understand that a persons cycles may not always be 28 days or that cycle lengths can change.

What is the difference between a ratchet crimping tool and a regular crimping tool?

The difference between a crimping tool and a ratchet crimping tool is that both are tools used in crimping; however the ratchet crimping tool has a mechanism that ensures the full crimping cycle of the crimping tool - giving you a better crimp. Most professionals use a ratchet style crimping tool even though they cost a little more in the beginning.

What is the difference between recycle and up cycle?

They are almost the same. Recycle is to use it again or in a different way. For example aluminum can to aluminum can. Upcycle is to use or remake something into something better. For example a shirt no longer worn to a stuffed toy for a child.

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How many days can a normal menstrual cycle last?

A typical menstrual cycle lasts between three and five days, however the time period between two and seven days is typical as well. If a woman experiences a menstrual cycle lasting more than seven days, then she should seek medical attention.

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