A coma is a state of deep unconsciousness, usually caused by severe injury. A comma is a punctuation mark: <,>
It means: comma (as in punctuation) OR a coma as in a state of unconsciousness.
The comma goes before the word "but." For example: I was going to spell the word "comma" right, but then I fell into a coma.
"La coma" in Spanish translates to "the comma" in English. It refers to the punctuation mark (,) used in writing to separate words or groups of words within a sentence.
a cat has claws at the end of it's paws, but a sentence has a pause at the end of its clause (:
A comma splice is the attempt to join two independent clauses with a comma without a coordinating conjunction. For example, "She walked the dog last night, today she fed it."
A light coma is present when reflex motor responses (i.e. decorticate and decerebate) can be elicited by noxious (adversive) stimulation. With a deep coma, there is no response to any sort of stimulus.
A run-on sentence occurs when two independent clauses are connected without proper punctuation or conjunctions. A comma splice, on the other hand, happens when two independent clauses are incorrectly joined with a comma but without a coordinating conjunction. Both errors result in choppy or confusing sentences.
in international we have to put comma after 3 digits
Cocoa, Colon, Condom, Condor, Condo, Coma, Comma, Commando, Colonel
The difference is one has a comma: One thousand, the other: One thousandth, has a decimal. Thank You!
A comma splice is when a two complete sentences are separated by a comma, without a conjunction. This makes it gramatically incorrect. A run-on sentence continues on and on with no clear predicate.