The difference between a college major and minor is that a major is the main field of study that one is interested in. A minor would be a secondary field of interest, and one can only enroll in a minor after enrolling in a major first.
The exact cost of attending an institute of higher education varies depending on the type of school it is. There is typically no price difference between minors and majors.
Yes. Michael Woodard wins the majors and minors contest
Minor Hockey is for intermediates, as for major,it's for the lower Juniors
No, a handful of polished college players go directly to the majors after being drafted, and also most of the Japanese players in the majors never played in the (American) minors.
Cameron DeFaria
Most law schools do not have majors or minors with a JD. I know of one that has a tax track. Specialization usually occurs after graduation.
Majors and Minors - 2011 Party 1-3 was released on: USA: 7 October 2011
Majors and Minors - 2011 Stand by Me 1-12 was released on: USA: 25 December 2011
Majors and Minors - 2011 And the Winner Is--- 1-14 was released on: USA: 22 January 2012
Majors and Minors - 2011 Hero 1-13 was released on: USA: 1 January 2012
2 in the minors and 0 in the majors ... Jeter played in 123 games in the minors and 15 games in the majors in 1995.