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A close friend is someone with whom you share a strong bond and have a deep connection, but may not necessarily be your closest or most trusted confidant. A best friend, on the other hand, is someone who you consider as your closest and most trusted companion, with whom you share your deepest thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Best friends often have a level of intimacy and understanding that goes beyond what is typically shared with close friends.

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13y ago

a close friend is someone you can talk to, and do things with. A best friend is someone you can tell anything to.

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Q: What is the difference between close friend and best friend?
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A friend is someone you hang around with, someone you share your joys with and if you have projects at school, you are their partner. You have a lot of fun together. While a close friend is all of that, plus more. A close friend is like a best friend. It is someone you know you can go to when you are down and during your rough times. A close friend is someone who will always be there for you no matter what. You share your joys but also your pain with close friends. You can always trust them and they will always want what is best for you.

What is the difference between a good friend and a close friend?

Well, a close friend is a friend чou hang around with alott and feel чou can trust them with everчthing and anчthing. It basicallч means чou are best friends. чet, a good friend is someone чou feel чou can trust and are truthful to чou. There are lots of good friends out there. A good friend is a friend who чou trust чet is not чour close friend. Hope This Has Helped.Jessica.Elizabeth

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Does Klaus Baudelaire have a best friend?

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What is a word for friends as close as family?

1. Family 2. Best Friend 3. Best Friend Forever

What is the difference between best friend and lover. Is it only the physical part?

mostly.. Answer Having a best friend is being able to share in those things you both enjoy doing together. They are the ones who you would turn to for any help or advice you may need. They are a good companion to share part of your life with. You are quite right in saying the relationship difference is physical. Hopefully the close bond you share with your lover will be within the bounds of marriage. It is private and something to be cherished between you both. There is always that best friend relationship which exists between lovers, and though best friend relationships can and often do contain love, it is only platonic.(Free from physical desire).

Why a guy wants you as a best friend?

he only wants you as a best friend so that he can get close to you and "accidentally" have sex with you.

How can you know that your best friend is really your best friend?

if there close to you know lots about you and are willing to keep secrets

How do you say best friends in japanese?

Shinyuu [親友] means close friend or best friend.

What is a best friend forever?

A best friend forever is a person who is a close and trusted friend to someone over an extended period of time.