The sickle and hammer was the flag of the Soviet Union and the swastika the flag of Nazi Germany.
One is fun to smash with a hammer and the other is a watermelon.
Any banjo is a good banjo! Banjos are built for different purposes. I personally like the Huber banjos, but if you play claw hammer or old time, you may like a open backed handmade banjo. The sound of a banjo is determined by the tone ring. This is a ring of wood or other material that controls the vibrations your banjo will make, such as a hollow rhythmic sound, a melodic sound, or a sharp and bouncy sound. The latter being my favorite. Some banjos to check out would be: Huber, Gibson, Washburn, or Deering.
When you hit your finger with a hammer that hurts a lot.
A framing hammer typically has a much larger head. The claw is often straighter and the handle is now longer and seldom made of wood. Usually steel, or fiberglass.
Probably due to damage of the nerve cells in your finger.
A regular hammer is a manual tool usually used to hit nails into for example wood and an auto hammer is an electrical tool which drives nails into something using a piston and you don't have to swing it like a regular hammer and is ideal for use in cramped places.
A curl is when you bring the weight up your palm is facing away from you, but when you do hammer curls, or hammer lifts as you bring the weight up you want your palm to be facing towards your body so you bring the weights up sideways. The difference in results are that curls will help the peaking of your biceps and hammer curls add thickness to your biceps.
The main difference is that the hammer and the thumb lever to break it open are reversed. On the 37, the hammer was rear and the thumb lever was farther forward. the 37a is reversed. the 37a also had a gold colored trigger.
You take a huge hammer and bang it until it is sand :) Giggle Giggle
Semi-auto requires the hammer to be cocked for the first shot.
A Hammer Off is when you have a string pressed against the fretboard with a finger of the left hand (assuming you are right handed), and the finger is lifted sharply to make the string ring. A Hammer On is the opposite of this; when you bring a finger down sharply onto the string on the fretboard to make it ring. The implication of both of these is that the string isn't actually plucked with the right hand.