Trail mix is a a mixture of dried fruit and nuts, while chex mix is a combination of cereals, pretzels, and chips.
You can usually fine receipes for trail mix right on the box of Chex cearels which is one of the main ingredintes of trail mix. Then add some peanuts and other ingredients.
mix together things like: mini pretzels chex cereal pretzel sticks mini bread crusts
because there is more of a variety in chex mix and sometimes you can find a chex mix with doritos in it
Trail mix is heterozyous, if you think about it since the definition of heterozgyous is a compound of two or more different things. Example of things that are heterozgyous is trail mix, chex mix, salad, gumbo, and certain genes like (Gg) or (Aa).
Something about Chex Mix but I'm not sure.
Chex; Anyway you Want It!
You can get boxes of Chex Mix from either Sams Club or Costco!!
Well, there are corn chex, wheat chex, bread "sticks", pretzel's and then the toasted bread pieces.
Rye chips! Possibly the most delicious part of the chex mix party!
The music in the Chex Mix decoy bag commercial is an old Italian song called "Piccolissima Serenata." This is not the one I was looking for; I wanted the music for the Chex Mix commercial which has a guy at a bus stop dancing.
Chester Manwell was born in 1932 in Albany, New york. He did not have many friends growing up. He went to Spartan Highschool where everyone was very interested in the bowling team. Chester Manwell originated his nickname, Chex Mix, from a bully who would "mix" his face in the toilet with a "Swirley" and yell, "Chex Mix Time!"