caste is a social hierarchy determined by birth in a community by tradition of work dependent in society while tribe is a smaller social class or clan often backward or nomads independent and self reliant in their livelihood.
Caste is a social hierarchy determined by birth in a community by tradition of work dependent in society while tribe is a smaller social class of people speaking the same language.
bc-backword caste obc-other backward caste
BC is a general Backward caste BCM is a backward caste specially for muslim community ppl....
gaderia casta is shedual caste or shedual tribe
There is no distinction between thakar tribe and thakar caste in maharashtra as per constitutional provisitional of atrticle 342 of india the same view was declared by hon. Supreme court of india in slp petition filed by state of maharashtra in 1999.
srivastava is top caste in kasthaya
Simple don´t exist caste system in Brazil.. Good luck
A caste in southern India
They All Indian Tribe
Gaind belongs to punjabi Khatri tribe ..Its not a schedule caste
Just difference between the caste results in bloody wars!
yes kharia caste are schedule tribe in Bihar & Jharkhand. I do's no status of other state