How do you do matrix operation in casio fx991ms?
To do matrix multiplication in calculator Casio fx-991MS follow
the steps below:-
1] Enter in the matrix mod:-
press MODE 3 times then press 2.
2] To enter the matrix:-
press SHIFT and then 4.
press 1 to select Dim. to enter the matrix.
Suppose u hv to multiply the matri A with matrix B
then seletect A by pressing 1
chose dimension for matrix A
let m=2
so press 2 then '='
let n=2
so press 2 then '='
Now, enter the values in matrix
MatA11, MatA12, MatA21,MatA22
every time enter the value and then ' =' to enter another
remember values get stored in the sequence of row mean
now u feel all the values of Matrix A
now to enter value of matrix B
press SHIFT and again 4.
seect Dim by pressing 1.
this time chose Mat B
and follow the steps same as u use to feel values in matrix
after entering the values.
u stored matrix A and B.
3]Now multiply Matrix A and Matrix B:-
press again Shift then 4 and this time select option Mat by
pressing 3
to multiply matrix A and matrix B
press 1(select Mat A) then press Multiply operator(*/cross).
again press Shift then 4 then press 3 and nw selec/press
2(select Mat B)
then press '='
4] you will get the another matrix Ans
But the values are in the sequence of row
to see next vaues in that matrix press '>' side of REPLAY