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Both cabinet and chest are used interchangeably to describe furniture. However typically a cabinet has doors at the front and shelves within, whereas a chest usually opens at the top and has no shelves.

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A dresser has drawers, a chest can be just a big box.

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Q: What is the difference between cabinets and chests?
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What are the differences between pantry cabinets and standard kitchen cabinets?

no difference.

What is an arkwright?

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What uses thick wood?

Well tons of things use thick wood like desks, cabinets, doors, and chests

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Well men have different privets compere to women plus women have big chests.

What is the difference between cabinet and cabinetry?

A cabinet is a box for storage. Cabinetry is a group of cabinets, or the art of carpentry that leads to a cabinet.

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nothing - only the name and the labels on the box

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The difference between a cherry file cabinet and a normal file cabinet is the finish of the wood. Cherry file cabinets have a deep brownish-red finish.

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standard distance between bottom and upper cabinets is 18".

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What is the name for the section of wall above kitchen cabinets?

If by "cabinets" you mean the upper cabinets, and those cabinets do not reach to the ceiling, the structure between the cabinets and the ceiling is usually called the soffit. But I don't know that there's a special term that refers to just the wall area between the top of the cabinets and the ceiling. I think what you mean is a splash back but splash back would apply where there is water and there is no water above the upper cabinets. In the real world there is no real term for that void space above your cabinets so you can just call it the "Overhead Space"

What is the average annual sales for kitchen cabinets?

Depending on the quality, the perches price is between 3000.00 and 10000.00 for the same amount of cabinets.

How many syllables in chests?

The word chests has one syllable.