o Bylaws define the governing and operational rules of the corporation under which the board of directors and management must operate on behalf of the shareholders. They specify when the board meets, when the shareholder meeting takes place annually, the term of office for board members, who appoints management and other governance matters.
o Policies are set by the board and management to define the operations of the company, such as hiring and firing of employees, sales procedures, customer relations, product return policies, charitable giving policies, employee conduct and other operational matters.
Difference between Customer Service Standards and Policies and Procedures
The difference between accounting and auditing?"
there is none
There is one main difference between rules and policies. A policy sets a standard for how things should go. A rule is a steadfast policy that cannot be bent for any reason.
The difference between objectives and policies is that one is deciding what to do something and one is deciding how to do something. An objective is something you aim for and the way to get it. A policy is in place in a company or government to tell employees how to do something.
What risk? Assumed by who?
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The spelling "bylaw" is a rule or ordinance adopted by a group or association.
Local policies are the policies that are made for the welfare of the city or county. State policies are made for the people of an entire state. The main difference is that an activity may be legal on the state level, but illegal in a locality.
A bylaw officer is an agent of municipal law enforcement in Canada, who is responsible for ensuring obedience to the bylaws.
The difference between a commercial and a personal auto policy is that personal auto policies are designed to cover one person or a family while commercial auto insurance is designed to cover an entire business. The policies, terms and conditions of these policies are very different. You can learn more about the differences of the policies online at the Car Insurance Comparison website.
* The differences between policies and procedures can be summarized as follows: 1. Policies guide decision making, while procedures drive actions. 2. Policies leave some room for managerial discretion, while procedures are detailed and rigid 3. Policies are an integral part of organizational strategies, while procedures are tactical tools. 4. Policies are generally formulated by top management, while procedures are laid down at lower organizational levels in line with policies * Read more: [http://www.ehow.com/about_5100532_difference-between-policy-procedure.html#ixzz16HwVQgdU What Is the Difference Between a Policy & a Procedure? | eHow.com] [http://www.ehow.com/about_5100532_difference-between-policy-procedure.html#ixzz16HwVQgdU http://www.ehow.com/about_5100532_difference-between-policy-procedure.html#ixzz16HwVQgdU]