A bungalow is a one-story cottage/house. Many times a bungalow has a porch with a roof over it. A flat is a one-floor apartment.
Besides the design, there is little difference in size between the two. A cottage usually consists of two floors and a bungalow will always be one floor. The cottage will be built with a foundation and the bungalow will be built off the ground in most cases.
A bungalow cannot, by definition have an upstairs.
a sphere is a ball shaped or globular body. Round is having a flat circular surface as in a disk
Solid ceramic plates are better quality than ceramic coated. Ceramic coated flat irons will chip and flake over time and are more damaging on your hair.
A flat is a residential unit in a multi-unit building, what is called in the USA an apartment. A bungalow is a single-story residence, having two or three bedrooms.
"What is the difference between a Terrace-flat and Penthouse?"
a flat is bigger
one is normel and one is flat
Besides the design, there is little difference in size between the two. A cottage usually consists of two floors and a bungalow will always be one floor. The cottage will be built with a foundation and the bungalow will be built off the ground in most cases.
A bungalow has a thatched roof, and usually has a raised platform for a floor. Some of the cabins I've been in were sunken into the ground, with a wooden roof covered by sod. Also, a cabin is another name for the protected area of a truck in which it's driver sits -NEVER a bungalow.
There does not have to be a difference between a tall organization structure and a flat organization structure. These structures can be the same structure.
flat & non-flat
Is there a difference between a sissile polyp and a flat polyp. Can either one be a cause of cancer
There is no difference:( IT means same to straighten the hair used Flat iron / straightener
there is no difference
The difference between A and B in music is that A music is in a higher pitch than B and is harder to play.