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A true bi level home has 2 ground floors, vertically separated. That is, when one walks in the main entrance, he or she is standing in the lowest level, then must climb a full flight of stairs to reach the top level From the top level, one can then walk straight out to the back yard without having to descend steps (or perhaps a very few steps--too many steps makes the house a colonial) Another name for this style of home is a raised rancher. True bi levels are fairly rare but there is one at this address: 6847 Nashville Rd., Lanham, MD 20706. The distinction between a bi level and a split level house is that the split level has 2, 3, 4 or more levels separated by half flights of steps. Bi levels are often confused with split foyers which have a landing or foyer at the main entrance, from which one must climb half a flight of steps to reach the upper level or descend half a flight to reach the lower level.

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Q: What is the difference between bi level and split level houses?
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