There is a very big difference between being proud of yourself and being conceited. If he acts like this all the time, then I would say that it is conceited. But if this is the one time that he can be proud of himself for accomplishing something, then I would say it's not to conceited.
self-assured, confident, self-confident, self-reliant
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Confident ( Adjective ) = having strong belief or full assurance; sure: confident of fulfillment.Confidant ( Noun ) = a close friend or associate to whom secrets, private matters and problems are discussed.Hope you found it helpful.
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Conceited means having an excessively favorable opinion of one's abilities, appearance, or accomplishments. It implies being vain or excessively proud.
If you tell someone they are being "nuff" in patois or slang terms it means they are being conceited.
Non conceited means not being overly proud or arrogant, showing humility and modesty in one's attitude and behavior. It involves being aware of one's strengths without feeling the need to boast or belittle others.
Well yes! being confident is good in every situation. If you are confident about how you look, everyone else will be confident around you. Hot to be confident? hmmm NO ! you dont have to be hot to be confident. ! But you definetly have to be confident to be hot ;)
One of the difference between SOAS and Westminster University is the programs being offered. The quality of the programs being offered and the suitability of the graduates is the difference between the two universities.