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Barrier methods prevent the sperm from getting to the egg, usually by covering the penis, or by blocking the cervical opening. Non-hormonal IUDs work by irritating the lining of the uterus so that there is nowhere for the egg to implant itself even if it is fertilized.

Hormonal contraception changes the hormone cycle in the body to block ovulation. In this case, eggs are not released so there is nothing for the sperm to fertilize.

No Birth Control method is 100% effective, although hormonal ones typically have the highest rates of effectiveness. Some women report side effects (irregular bleeding, emotional/mood changes) from hormonal methods, however, that make them unpleasant or impossible to use.

Well hormones are not barriers, like condom, diaphrams, sponges, etc; while hormonal method is primarily chemical by nature, though there are some chemical barriers, such as foam or cream spermicides, but hormonal mean trick the femal body into act as if it is already pregnant so an egg is not release by the ovum. T

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Q: What is the difference between barrier and hormonal contraceptive methods?
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