back off = stand down or let it go
back away = move backwards away from someting; to put some distance between you and a thing by using backward movement
back out = move backwards out of something you're in or move backwards out of something by the same way you got in; extricate one's self
you can get mumps off sterile water!
There are a lot of synonyms for reppelant: beat back, beat off, brush off, buck, cast aside, chase away, check, confront, cut, dismiss, disown, dispute, drive away, drive back, drive off, duel, fend off, fight, force back, force off, give cold shoulder to, hold back, hold off, keep at arm's length, keep at bay, keep off, kick, knock down, oppose, parry, push back, put down, put to flight, re buff, rebut, refuse, resist, stand up against, stave off, turn down, ward off, withstand.
a normal light bulb gives off more light
because the tide rise and particles of sand are washing away making the boat eventually move back into the water
It will either drain off and away or back into where it came from, if it's a closed package. If it's open to the air, the condensate may evapourate into the air. It depends on the situation.
back off: they want you to get away, in any direction. back up: they want you to go in reverse, but may still want your presence
Turning off it stays off until you turn it on, restart just automaticlly turns off then back on.
the baja has the fenders and the back end cut off and fiberglass put in.
The difference is that one is on and the other is off.
There is no difference between Contingent Liability and Off Balance Sheet Liability.
boardslide back to regular/ boardslide to fakie
A shadow is light being blocked by an object, reflection is light "bouncing" back off an object's surface.
Off premise means away from the business building or establishment. In premise means inside the business building or establishment. Premise is the building that houses a business or organization.
There is no difference.
termination means FIRED! Suspension means time off while they decide if your coming back or not.
Homesick is when you badly miss home when you away. Home sick is when you take the day off to stay at home when you are not feeling well.
they are the same