Assent: In agreement with.
Ascent: The act of moving upward, such as mountain climbing, or being promoted in one's job.
difference between as on and as at
The difference is 2,795.
Directly. Their difference IS the difference between them.
What are difference between scalars and vectors
What is the difference between evaluating an expression?
The homophone for "assent" is "ascent."
A homophone for the word ascent would be assent. Many confused people think accent is a homophone of ascent. They are wrong. Accent is pronounced ak-sent and ascent is pronounced as-sent.
Assenting to his demands, I started the final ascent up the mountain.
ascent, assent
Nodding your head often is a sign of assent in society
She nodded in agreement to assent to their proposal.
she had to assent to comming to school on time
Assent as a verb: Assenting to her demands, I did as she requested. Assent as a noun: When told they were going to see The Avengers, Jayne nodded her assent.
I assent to your demands, sir.
A sailor's agreement or assent would be "aye."
The Ascent was created in 1977.
The word "ascent" is a noun.