Aqua is a light blue color with a slight green tint, while cyan is a greenish-blue primary color in the subtractive color model. Aqua is commonly used in design and marketing to represent water or a refreshing feeling, while cyan is used in printing and digital displays as one of the primary colors.
Cyan is a blue-green that appears similar to the color of the ocean water. Traditional cyan, as known on computers, is defined as #00FFFF (red: 0, green: 255, blue: 255). There are also other, similar shades that also called cyan, with less green than blue.
Cyan is a greenish-blue color that falls between blue and green on the color spectrum. It is often described as a bright or intense shade of blue.
Mixing green and cyan will create a brighter shade of cyan.
Its a blueish-greenish color, i saw it on the 360 and looked it up
The correct spelling for the color sian is cyan. If you look at a color wheel, you'll find cyan about halfway between blue and green. It is similar to aqua, but aqua is a bit lighter.
Aqua resembles the color blue. Aqua is a tone of the color cyan which is also part of the blue family. The color blue is usually dark while aqua and cyan are light.
turquoise or aqua. you can also try teal or cyan.
Cyan is an equal mix of blue and light green.
Cyan (Aqua).
You get blue-green.
brown. black. pink. gold. aqua. indigo. aqua. opal. lilac. burgundy. coral. cyan. fuchsia. vanilla. admiral. ivory. tan. crimson. cadmium. auburn
ventus looks like roxas aqua has blue hair and is the only lady terra is the tall dark haired guy ventus=sora aqua=kairi terra=riku in a way...
well there are quite a few but i would prefer aqua or aquamarine
no, i believe blue green is equal parts of blue and green where as aqua green would be 2 parts green 1 part blue
Cyan is a greenish-blue color. It is often described as a light or pale blue with hints of green.