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Anhydrous ammonia is pure ammonia. Under normal conditions it is a gas, but it is usually stored as a liquid under pressure.

Aqueous ammonia is ammonia dissolved in water. Household ammonia is a 3% solution of aqueous ammonia.

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Q: What is the difference between anydrous ammonia and aqueous ammonia?
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How can you determine the stoichiometry of cuprammonium ion using partition coefficient between water and chloroform?

take a aqueous solution cupric salt like copper sulfate , add excess of ammonia to it , as the complex will be formed the color will be deep blue , now add chloroform to it as only ammonia will be soluble in it , ammonia will go in the chloroform layer , now separate the layers using a seperatory funnel and titrate both the layers by using a base and indicator , by taking the difference u will no the amount of copmplexed ammonia and can determine the formula of the copmlex , the answer will be near to 4 molecules of ammonia per ion of copper .