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Anomie is a theory referring to why some people are deviant that describes a state of normlessness in which individuals lack a sense of social regulation whereas social disorganization is a theory of why most people are not deviant related to the strength of the bonds that people feel to each other and their society

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Anomie refers to a state of normlessness or lack of moral guidance within a society, leading to feelings of isolation and alienation. Social disorganization, on the other hand, refers to the breakdown of social institutions and relationships within a community, resulting in higher levels of crime and deviant behavior. While both concepts relate to societal breakdown, anomie focuses more on individual feelings of disconnection, while social disorganization looks at the broader impact on communities.

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Q: What is the difference between anomie and social disorganization?
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Of the sociological theories used to explain why crime happens which theory focuses on the absence or weakness of rule?

The social disorganization theory focuses on how crime occurs in areas where social control and community cohesion are weak or absent. This theory suggests that when traditional norms and values break down, it creates an environment conducive to criminal behavior, as there is a lack of regulation and oversight.

What is Durkheim's anomie?

Anomie is a states of normlessness in which social regulations are weak and people do not understand the extent of the deviance of their choices.

What are the types of social disorganization?

The main types of social disorganization are cultural, economic, and structural. Cultural disorganization refers to conflicting values and norms within a community, economic disorganization involves high levels of poverty and unemployment, and structural disorganization relates to a lack of community organizations and informal social controls.

What is social disorganization?

Social disorganization is a theoretical perspective that suggests crime and deviance are more likely to occur in communities with weak social ties, lack of social control, and high levels of disorder. Factors such as poverty, residential instability, and ethnic heterogeneity can contribute to social disorganization within a community, making it vulnerable to higher crime rates.

Which theory argues that crime is due to social conflict social change and a lack of consensus in the group?

Social disorganization theory dr

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What is meant by the term 'social disorganization?

Social Disorganization is a theory on why the majority of people do not commit crimes. It says that if the people of a society agree on the validity of the rules in a society and those rules are strong and clear, deviance will be at a minimum.

The concentric zone theory was created by?

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Which theory argues that crime is due to social conflict social change and a lack of consensus in the group?

Social disorganization theory dr

What ia personal disorganization?

Personal disorganization represents the behavior of the individual which deviates from the social norms. It results in social disapproval which may express itself in a wide variety of degree. The individual may also react in different ways. Social reality presents an endless confusion of social disapproval from time to time. It may be mild or violent. Accordingly individuals respond either positively or negatively to social disapproval. The most visible aspect of personal disorganization in complex societies is that in which there is mild social disapproval to which the individual responds positively. This kind of personal disorganization does not deeply disturb the social order. The second aspect of social disorganization is that in which there is violent social disapproval and yet the individual responds positively. In the third aspect in which the individual's response to social disapproval is subjective the person retreats into an individually defined inner world. His innovations lose their social character. He becomes enmeshed in the development of mechanisms which further isolate him from the normal influences of group life. This type of personal disorganization results in psychosis through which the individual tries to escape from the web of social relations and in suicide.

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