

Best Answer
  • Fungi has cell walls that are composed of chitin. Protists lack cell walls entirely.
  • Fungi are sessile. Protists can be sessile or mobile.
  • Fungi are heterotrophic. Protists are heterotrophic, although some are autotrophic (which may suggest that the first plants derived from protists).
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14y ago
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12y ago

Traditionally protists, are divided into two groups. The animal-like organisms are called protozans or "First Animals" and those that are plant-like are known as protophytans or "First Plants".

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11y ago

As different as plants and animals! Fungi are not animals, simple as that.

Oh, and "fungus" is singular - the plural is "fungi".

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4y ago

protozoa are Protist that feed on animals such as amoeba. protophyta are Protist that get there energy from photosynthesis like plants.

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What is the difference between protozoa and protists?

Protozoa are a type of single-celled organisms that belong to the kingdom Protista. Protists, on the other hand, are a diverse group of eukaryotic microorganisms that include protozoa, algae, and other microscopic organisms. Essentially, all protozoa are protists, but not all protists are protozoa.

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One structural difference between Stentor and vorticella is that Stentor is a protozoa. Vorticella is a sessile organism, meaning that it is immobile.

How can you tell the difference between algae and protozoa?

Algae are photosynthetic organisms that contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis, while protozoa are single-celled organisms that typically feed on organic matter. Algae are usually green, brown, or red in color, while protozoa can vary in shape and size. Additionally, algae have a cell wall, while protozoa do not.

What are the animal like protists know as?

Protists are informally called protozoa.

What is the differ between unicellular protozoa and colonial protozoa?

Unicellular protozoa are single-celled organisms that exist independently, while colonial protozoa are made up of multiple cells that live together in a group or colony. Unicellular protozoa carry out all life processes within a single cell, whereas colonial protozoa exhibit some division of labor between cells within the colony.

What is the biggest microorganism?

The biggest microorganism is protozoa. Protozoa commonly range in length between 10 to 52 micrometers, but can grow as large as 1 mm.

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PROTOPHYTA Moth . There is not much info. available about this variety of moth.

What 2 kingdoms do not have nuclei?

1 kingdom i know of that DOESNT have a nucleus is Eubacteria.

Whats the difference between mebendazole and metronidazole?

Mebendazole treats parasites (antihelminthic) ONLY and metronidazole treats protozoa and anerobic bacteria NOT parasites. Second year med student -kumereng

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The scientific name for the phylum Protozoa is Protozoa.