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A tunnel goes underground, an underpass goes under a bridge.
An "Overpass" is a structure where the majority of the traffic travels 'over' something else (a river, another road). A "Underpass" is where the majority of the traffic travels 'under' another structure. A structure cannot be both. A 'grade separation' is where an grade of one feature changes to accommodate another feature (rail road, another road).
Overpass have only one exit while interchange can have more than one exits.
I'm really under the gun to provide a good example sentence. Let's go under the overpass and then over the underpass.
Spon's Highway and Civil Engineering Constructions Costs has an underpass 7m wide by 5m high at 38 500 GBP in 2012
No. An underpass provides no protection from flying debris, the main killer in a tornado. Also the bridge itself can have a wind tunnel effect, so that the winds from the tornado actually speed up when going under it. A ditch is a better option than an overpass, but even then it is only to be used as a last resort.
No there is no desert underpass in Ruby
Many people are using the underpass for safety reasons.
Basarab Overpass was created in 2011.
Bowker Overpass was created in 1965.