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Is when you are taken by someones looks (they are physically appealing to you) or perhaps you know they are not in your league (such as a famous person or you know an individual wouldn't be interest in you) and you constantly follow them around, phone them or just make a nuisance of yourself. When that person gives no indication they are equally attracted to you. You can also obsess in dreams over an individual and although you may take no action in trying to get them to notice you, your life is wrapped around that person and you shut yourself off from reality. You can't really love someone you don't know, so it can't be love.

To love someone is to get to know them and not only become physically attracted to them at first (they don't have to be a #10) but love them even more when you get to know their personality and grow close to each other. When in love you should feel like you're walking on sunshine, and skipping on clouds. You should be so happy your heart could burst. You can hardly wait until you see them the next time. Signs of love are when the guy (or girl) show love by expression such as you can see it in their eyes (they get so warm and mooshy) and they hug, kiss or cradle you. They see each other through the good and bad times. They can make you laugh and you have fun together. You feel whole in body, mind and spirit.

That's as close as I can come to describing obsession and love.


Response To Above Answer from Marcyhi, im not posting to provide an answer directly to the question, but i would like to add something to what has already been stated above.

tho love can be completely different among many people, the feeling of love being stated as "walking on sunshine or skipping on clouds" etc may be how you do feel love is. but this feeling doesnt last. that isn't what love is. this is the feeling love provides you as an indication that this is the emotion you are feeling. but since it is only used to make you aware of the feeling, it doesnt last. but since that feeling can and will go away, it doesnt mean the love will. for clarification, the "feeling" is not what love is. love is not a feeling, it is an act or form of action to arise emotion or the "feeling" mentioned.

AnswerYou have some good points. I was talking about when one first meets whether it's love or obsession. When I met my second husband and we started to go together the feelings I mentioned re love were real and I felt it. Of course love as we first know it wanes (you made a good point there that I forgot) and things change a little, but, I've been married to my husband for 34 years and love him as much as I did when I first met him. Of course I don't feel like I'm walking on a cloud and it's a more trusting, loving and comfortable sort of love. Glad you brought your points up.

Adding to it:

love cant be a feeling becuz then that feeling can just fade away , just like when you get sad or mad or whatever. ithink to be truly in love you need to understand whats best for the other person even if it hurts you...that is LOVE right there. obsession is more selfish then anything. SO THE REAL QUESTION IS :DO YOU WANT IS BEST FOR YOURSELF OR THEM?

Picture of a monkey

The person above me hit the nail on the head, pretty much.

Love is being willing to sacrifice your own happiness (and sometimes well being) for that of another.

Obsession is being willing to sacrifice your own well being, and the well being and happiness of others to get someone to be with you.

Examples of obsession:

The most well known (not that it's obsession, but still the best known) is Edward and Bella. Bella almost killed herself to hear Edwards voice, Edward almost killed himself because he thought Bella was dead. Both of these hurt others (and themselves) to make themselves feel better

An episode of Bones: A woman shot Booth because she didn't want to let him be with anyone but her.

So yeah...

OK SO THAT'S IT enough now ...

I don't understand why are we mixing these two things.

There is absolutely no difference between love and obsession. True love at its maximum intensity is generally termed as obsession.There can be no love without obsession and all those people who say that they are in love without obsession probably does not know "what it feels like when u are in true love !!!".

If u don't care for the one that u love; if u don't crave for her, if u are not willing to do things to get her, if u cant die for her and if u think that your mortal life is more important than your love for her then "U are not in love yet ". All those people who say love is not obsession are those human-beings who are trying to compromise their life with some one just for the sake of living this earthly life .

Love was never meant to be this way. Love can never die and love-feelings do not change until and unless u think of changing it manually if u are a human-being.

Love means sacrificing yourself for some one that u love so that you both can be happy and most importantly together and if that does not happens to be that there is no point of living this mortal life again with someone else. Love is not a rented house neither a hotel room where u can accommodate more than one mortal-being inside. True love happens only once in your life and not again and again like many people say practically. All those who say that love happens again and again have not yet tasted the spirit of true love so they keep on searching for the final one .

And also cant u see why Bella and edward both wanted to die ?. They both wanted to die so that they can meet somewhere else other than earth where their union was impossible .Dying is also a process of getting someone. it may sound a bit weird when u think like "are u gonna die for her ?" but u wont feel this if u really have fallen in true love with someone . love means commitment and often we hear promises being made "We will love together or die if u are not with me " kind of thing. And i am proud to say today that true lovers keep their promises. Love is much more important than ur mortal life .

if u still think any kind obsession in love shown by a mentally fit human-being is not good then wait till u find ur true love !! u will understand it !!

I think,

and i can be very wrong,

love is sacrifices

obsession, is once u r over what u r obsessed about u will regret being there and u will try to do it again

love forever, obsession only until u wake up.

obsession is nothing more than addicting to excitements and attention

trying to convince oneself that the heart is talking and the brain is fighting it

that is not love

true love takes over mind

obsessed mind is occupied with excitement and selfishness

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