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Both are nouns. However, expenditureis commonly used in reference to time--an expenditure of time. Expense is commonly used in reference to money--an expense for business.

Expense is an Any amount paid for Good n services. Example, Electricity Bills etc. Expanditure is any amount paid for increase in assets of business. Like Raw material For business, Furniture for Business and so on .
The benefit derived from incurring a expenditure MAY not be limited to the period concerned where as the benefits derived from a expense are consumed in the same period

In everyday usage (ie we are not discussing technical accounting lingo here), "expenses" is a subset of "expenditures". Expenditures can apply to any outflow of money for any purpose. Expenses is more circumscribed - applying to money spent to cover costs. So forinstance purchasinga book of postage stamps isusually referred toas an expense. But you could also refer to it as an expenditure on stamps. The phrases "household expenses" and "household expenditures" are pretty interchangeable. But there are certain expenditures would not usually be referred to as expenses. For instance, a collector of antique stamps would refer to the purchase of a rare antique stamp as an expenditure, not as an expense. Buying everyday stamps on the other hand, as stated previously, could properly be referred to as either an expense or an expenditure. Though, curiously, tne antique stamp might be described as "expensive"; I am not aware of any word such as "expenditurous"...

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