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let x and y be two numbers

ex = y

log y = x

antilog x = y

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Q: What is the difference between an anti-log and an exponential?
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Exponential growth is when the amount of something is increasing, and exponential decay is when the amount of something is decreasing.

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Is the difference between exponential growth and logistic growth?

look in your textbook

Is negative value possible inside an anti-log?

No. The range of the exponential (antilog) function is the positive reals (unless you are dealing with the complex field).

Can you find the difference between an exponent and its base in an exponential expression?

You can but it has no particular significance.

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Mutation Rate

What the difference between an exponential equation and a power equation?

y = ax, where a is some constant, is an exponential function in x y = xa, where a is some constant, is a power function in x If a > 1 then the exponential will be greater than the power for x > a

How do you get the antilog of a number?

Raise 10 to the power of the number. The antilog of 2 is 102 = 100 The antilog of 5 is 105 = 10,000 The antilog of 'pi' is 103.1416 = 1,385.46 (rounded)

What is the difference between standard and exponetial form?

if u write 100000 this is standard form. and if you write 104 this exponential form

What is the difference between a logarithmic function and a natural exponential function?

The exponential function, in the case of the natural exponential is f(x) = ex, where e is approximately 2.71828. The logarithmic function is the inverse of the exponential function. If we're talking about the natural logarithm (LN), then y = LN(x), is the same as sayinig x = ey.