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a answer machine is to keep answers on there and its for when u dont answer the phone and a fax machine is for your fax

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Q: What is the difference between an answering machine and a fax machine?
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Related questions

Why do the fax machine come on when answering machine starts?

Usually because it is set to pick up the phone line after the same number of rings as the answering machine...

What is the difference between fax machine and telephone?

D good yg Gunn h to I'm

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Can you have an answer machine and fax machine on the same line?

Yes you can, however only one of them can be set to automatically answer - otherwise one will answer before the other. Other options are: - There are fax machines that have answering capability - There is the option to have a "dual ring" line - (DRD - dual ring detection) is what's needed in both the answering mahcine and the fax machine for that - this way you would have two phone numbers but one phone line - the answering machine would be set up for line 1, the fax machine line for line 2, and the fax machine ring would be different. This works with voicemail as well.

Name something in an office which might be left on overnight?

computer fax machine lights copier printer answering machine

How do you use fax machine for answering call?

You set the fax machine to automatically pick up the call after a number of rings. If you want to answer the call with the phone, then you would pick up the receiver to answer it.

What is dedicated fax machine?

Dedicated fax machine is the main fax machine that can be configured to where the fax will be receive and support extension fax machine.

Can a fax be sent from a paper fax machine to a paperless fax machine?

Yes, a paperless fax machine will receive the fax digitally instead of just immediately printing it out.

What is the difference between a ink jet fax machine and a ink jet printer?

The difference is an inkjet will use actual ink to print,where as a laser printer does not.

Can I buy a fax machine with a phone that will determine if it's a call or fax and can then transfer unanswered calls?

Why not go for online fax service instead. The service is configured to work with your preset answering rules and send confirmations into your email or mobile communication device.

What are the difference between telex and fax?

The fax machine is used to relay information that is usually documented from one place to another. A telephone is used to relay audio information from one place to another.

What is meant by a fax free machine?

A fax free machine means that you can send a fax for free on the machine. An example of a fax free machine would be a computer with specialized software to send faxes.