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CVT - Capacitive Voltage Transformer

Used for Measuring Voltage & Protection purpose, It is specially used in the line side along with PLCC (Power line Carrier Communication) to block the high voltage and makes the level to acceptable form of the communication equipment.

IVT - Induced Voltage Transformer

Please any one explain it...


Gokulakannan E

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The acronym "IVT" stands for something. It stands for Intermediate Value Theorem. This is a mathematical formula that can be used to solve an equation.

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Power is calculate by the formula P = IV (current x voltage); energy of course is power x time, so you have energy = IVt (currnt x voltage x time).

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Power is calculate by the formula P = IV (current x voltage); energy of course is power x time, so you have energy = IVt (currnt x voltage x time).

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the following steps are required to invoke a rom-bios function 1)make an interrupt to occur 2)find out the number of the interrupt that has occurred. 3)obtain from IVT,the address of the ISR which services this interrupt. 4)push the current values of CPU register onto the STACK

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IV therapy or IVT is where a device is placed directly into a vein so that different therapys can be administered. For example the administration of fulids for a person who is dehydrated. or for a blood transfusion.

What is interposing voltage transformer?

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