Wesley Richard was an expensive shotgun. "A Richard" is likely an inexpensive shotgun manufactured by the Crescent City company sold with an expensive sounding name.
suggest you contact: wellsfargohistory.com for shotgun history/value
Unfortunately, W. Richard was a low quality shotgun that attempted to cash in on the very fine quality Westley Richards guns. No connection between the two. Made early 1900s. sold by Sears.
Most likely a gun maker in the Liege region at the turn of the century.
D is 2wd W is 4wd
W. Richard Stevens died in 1999.
Richard W. Traxler died in 2010.
Richard W. Winder was born in 1924.
Richard W. Parker died in 1923.
Richard W. Parker was born in 1848.
Richard W. Sears was born in 1943.
Richard W. Gilsdorf was born in 1930.