adapting is like getting used to, but modifying is changing the environment based on your specific needs
an adaptation is a change in behaviour/physical characteristics that has already occurred. Adapting is the proccess of changing a behaviour/physical characteristic.
A natural environment is the environment which surrounds or that we live in while a social environment is the environment of people that surround us.
To be blunt, salt water has a lot more salinity than fresh water.
The study of the relationship between living things and the environment is ecology.
what is the relationship between living organisms in the aqatic environment
yo mama b. f. her 'n u
an adaptation is a change in behaviour/physical characteristics that has already occurred. Adapting is the proccess of changing a behaviour/physical characteristic.
an adaptation is a change in behaviour/physical characteristics that has already occurred. Adapting is the proccess of changing a behaviour/physical characteristic.
an adaptation is a change in behaviour/physical characteristics that has already occurred. Adapting is the proccess of changing a behaviour/physical characteristic.
The difference between an environment and an ecosystem is that a environment is the surroundings in which you live in. An ecosystem is a community, functioning within an environment to make up one basically independent big unit.
i dont know the answer because no one will tell me.
fitness is working out and getting stronger and adaptations is adapting to the weight you are. so you dont want to change anything.
Did you mean "ecology"?
l ieallly don't know
Uranus is the greenish blue planet and it is gaseous.
the difference between adaptation and plagiarism is: adaptation is delivering or executing something that is done in a new form where plagiarism means using or stealing someones idea without discretion in a literal way of writing, using or producing and presented as your own.
one for earth's and neptunes, small