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they are the same thing

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Q: What is the difference between abrasion and corrasion?
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Corrasion or abrasion take place

What the difference between an abrasion and an avulsion?

An abrasion is a scraped spot or area, avulsion is a tearing away

Abrasion attrition corrasion detrition?

Attrition and Detrition are the same and they mean wearing away of the the surface by scratching, cutting etc. This is usually in context with the river valley. Abrasion is the reduction in size of rocks when they collide either among themselves or with the side walls of the valley. So this is context with the rocks. Corrasion is the mechanical erosion of rocks by water while they move in water.

What is the difference between hydraulic action and abrasion?

By: Gwen The difference between abrasion and hydraulic action is that: In "Hydraulic action" the water flows so fast that it is forced to crack the bank BUT For in "Abrasion" the river bed is broken/cracked because of the rock and stones in the river.

What's the difference between an incision and an abrasion?

Incision is a cut or penetration made by a sharp edge. Abrasion is a scrape or friction wound.

What is corrasion?

Corrasion is a form of Erosion.

What is the difference between deflation and abrasion?

Deflation can lower the lands surface by several meters. Abrasion makes pits in rocks and produce smooth, polished surfaces.Deflation is a(n) erosion of the land by wind.Abrasion is a form of erosion that makes pit in the rocks and produce smooth, polished surfaces. (abrasion is common in some deserts and in some cold regions with strong wind).Hope this helps you !!!!! :D

Explain the difference between deflation and abrasion?

In economics, deflation is the decrease of the general level of prices in an economy. Abrasion on the other hand, is the process of wearing down or rubbing away through fiction.

Where does corrasion take place?

In small notches that build up as the corrasion wears away the rock.

What is the difference between abrasion and attrition?

Abrasion is the mechanical wear caused by improper toothbrushing or other habits, mainly on the facial surface. Attrition is mechanical wear from the forces of mastication on the incisal or occusal surfaces

Compare and contrast abrasion and deflation?

I don't know the difference.

What is the difference between an abrasion and a laceration?

quick answer: An abrasion is damage to the superficial layer of skin; in other words it is a scrape or mild cut. A Laceration is a smooth or jagged open wound; ex) cut by a knife or broken glass, etc... a more severe cut