The whistle is in the air to your mouth
The sing is in the voice to your mouth
they are both to use your mouth
About 40 proof
That must be a habit of his/her. To sing/whistle while walking
A coach that has a whistle, a Tea Kettle
A recorder is plastic
No, budgies do not sing. They chatter a lot, mimic other sounds, and whistle, but they are not songbirds and thus do not sing.
Male canaries sing beautifully
Same animal.Also called whistle pig, because of their whistle like alarm call.
Either one of them can whistle or sing, if they enjoy doing so.
A whistle is held lengthwise in front of you face, and has a high sharp sound. A flute is held horizontally to the right, and can play lower notes.
The difference between a frog and a bee is that the frog's honey is inedible.