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Their appearances are different and they belong to different species of plants. Water hyacinth belongs to a family called Pontederiaceae while water lily belongs to a family called Nymphaceae. Water lilies are not considered invasive but water hyacinth are.

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Q: What is the difference between a water hyacinth and a water lily?
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What water plants float on water?

There are many like: water hyacinth, frog bit, fairy moss etc.

What is aquatic plants?

The plants that grow in water are called aquatic plants. for e.g. Lotus, Water hyacinth, Water Lily etc.

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Duck weed can grow on land that is just kinda swampy nd on water water lily can just live on the water.

What is the difference between water lily and lotus?

The leaves of the water lily sit on the water, but the lotus rises and it's leaves sit up to four feet above the surface.

Do water lilies have thorns on the bottom of the leaf?

The swollen leaf stalks have air spaces that trap air to allow the water hyacinth to float.

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wallflower Windflower water lily winter jasmine wintersweet. Wachendorfia, Wahlenbergia, Waldsteinia, Wallflower, Water hyacinth, Windflower and Wisteria are flowers that begin with the letter w.

Why do Water lily leaves have waxy undersides?

YES! The waxy coat of the water hyacinth leaves is waterproof and covers a spongy parenchyma tissue. Together with its swollen stem, which is filled with more spongy parenchyma tissue, it makes the plant float.

What is the difference between a waterlily and a lotus?

No, they are different types of flowers altogether. Lilies grow from bulbs, they are classified as monocots, and they are perennials. Sunflowers grow from seeds, they are classified as dicots, and they are annuals.

What is difference between hydrophyte and mesophyte?

Hydrophytes are plants which grow in water e.g. water lily , lotus , Chara , while mesophytes are plants growing in soil on land as date palm , mango , wheat .

What do you call a water lily leaf?

The water lily leaf does not have a special name. It can be referred to as a "water lily leaf' or as the leaf of a certain water lily species.

How do you make water lily in alxemy?

flower/water= water lily

How do you make a water lily in alxemy?

flower/water= water lily