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Pre 24 weeks = miscarriage post = stillbirth.

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Q: What is the difference between a stillbirth and a miscarriage?
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When did Anne Boleyn give birth to her second child?

The boy was a miscarriage/stillbirth on Jan. 29, 1536.

Can you miscarriage with a yolk sac?

Yes you can miscarry at any stage of pregnancy, after 23 weeks they call it a stillbirth x

What happens when you over work while pregnant?

You are going to increase your chances of having a miscarriage or stillbirth. It is better to take at easy.

How do you tell the difference between a miscarriage and a period... Can a miscarriage have light bleeding instead of heavy?

Well, the difference is in the amount of pain you experience. Miscarriage hurts more according to all the experts in this field. Hope this helps

What is another word for miscarriage?

Failure, Ruin, Collapse, Breakdown, Nonfulfillment, Undoing, Mismanagement or, in the other meaning: Stillbirth, Spontaneous Abortion

What can listeriosis in a pregnant woman cause?

During pregnancy, listeriosis often causes miscarriage or stillbirth.

What can rubella cause during the first three months of pregnancy?

miscarriage, stillbirth, or damage to the fetus during the first trimester (three months) of pregnancy.

What's the difference between losing a baby and a miscarriage?

there isn't one I think most people would say they had a miscarriage before about 16 weeks and that they had lost the baby after that.

When in a pregnancy can miscarriages occur?

A miscarriage can happen at anytime from implantation of the fertilized egg up until the 20th week, but most of them occur in the first 8 weeks. After the 20th week, it is called a stillborn birth instead of a miscarriage. A loss of pregnancy during the third trimester (after 28 weeks) is usually called a premature stillbirth and not a miscarriage.

What is hospital procedure after stillbirth?

I experienced a stillbirth in 2003

Will taking lorcets hurt a pregnant woman's baby?

yes it will cause birth deformities in the babies chest and facial region. Can also cause downs and spinal meningitis, stillbirth, and miscarriage

Can you have a miscarriage if you've had 3 periods between miscarriage and conception?

You can have a miscarriage at any time.