The difference between barber school and cosmetology school is that they concentrate on different areas. Barber school primarily concentrates on hair, while cosmetology school concentrates on both hair and makeup.
Barber's are cheaper the majority of the time, but they pretty much only cut men's hair.
A banquet is restricted to members only.
The difference between a hair salon and a barber is that normally a barber will cut Men's hair and give them shaves. A hair salon usually is for woman who will get their hair washed, cut, blown, permed, styled or colored. However, many men do get their hair cut at hair salons, it is not only for women.
The difference between "at least" and "at most" is not restricted to probability. The difference is simply one between the precise meaning of the phrases in every day English language.
Ballet is more restricted and technical Contemporary is more free
the restricted call does not show the number calling at all. The no ID call is a call not restricted but also not registered in your cell phone so the number shows but the name does not.
Board designated funds are not restricted. Funds can only be restricted by the donor. Therefore when the board restricts or designates the funds for a purpose they are still considered unrestricted.
Just the areas you are restricted to & there are some small differences on the tests.
An unrestricted IP address is one which is not restricted by time, transfer limits, filters, ect. A restricted IP address is one which is limited from performing certain functions. An IP address is usually restricted to ban a certain type of internet activity.
Difference between restricted sampling and unresticted sampling
you cant even tell the difference between him and his brother Ronde, their indentical, and Ronde still plays CB for the Bucaneers