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A biped walks on two limbs and a quadruped walks on four.

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Q: What is the difference between a quadruped and a biped?
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Related questions

What is the difference between biped and quadruped skeleton?

A biped skeleton has two legs for walking, while a quadruped skeleton has four legs. This results in differences in bone structure, muscle attachment points, and overall body shape to support different modes of movement and balance.

Horse is to quadruped as human is to?

Horse is to quadruped as human is to biped.

Horse is to quadruped as human is to what?


A sentence using the word quadruped?

A quadruped naturally outruns a biped. Even a sloth is a quadruped. A cheetah is also a quadruped.

Is a cow as example of an animal that is a biped or a quadruped?

Biped means two legged. (Bi=2) Quadruped is four legged. ( Quad=4) So a pig is a quadruped.

Is the Spinosaurus primarily a quadruped or a biped?

The Spinosaurus is primarily a biped, meaning it walks on two legs.

A biped is an animal that walks on 2 legs so what is an animal that walks on 4 legs called?

An animal that walks on four legs is called a quadruped.

What are some words that have as suffix-ped?


Is a rabbit a biped or a quadruped?

A cow is a quadruped, which means she is able to or can only stand on four feet. Bipedal animals are those that stand on two feet. These include humans and all bird species such as ostriches and eagles.

Why is a kangaroo called a biped and a horse called a quadruped?

one uses two limbs to move, the oher uses fourquad=fourbi=two

Is a pig a biped or a quadruped?

People are bipeds so pigs would be quadrupeds

What is a 4 footed animal called?

An animal that has four legs is called a quadruped, quad meaning 4 and ped meaning foot. Similarly, an animal that has two feet are called a biped.