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vesicle is a raised skin lesion that contain serous fluid. this serous fluid may contain traces of blood or pus.

while pustules are raised skin lesion that contain only pus.

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Q: What is the difference between a pustule and a vesicle?
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What is the difference between a pustule and a vesicle -?

vesicle is a raised skin lesion that contain serous fluid. this serous fluid may contain traces of blood or pus. while pustules are raised skin lesion that contain only pus.

Is vesicle the proper medical terminology for pimple?

Papule, pustule, or comedone all may describe various kinds of things commonly called pimples. In contrast, a vesicle is a small blister.

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Cats do not have seminal vesicles therefore there is no difference.

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Cyst can turn out to be a pustule but a pustule cannot be a cyst.

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How do you use pustule in a sentence?

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What does vesiculopustular mean in medical terms?

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What are the nine common skin lesions?

Cyst, fissure, macule, papule, polyp, pustule, ulcer, vesicle, and wheal.

What is a pustule?

A pustule is a small accumulation of pus, either in the epidermis or dermis, or inside a pimple.

What kind of skin lesion is a pustule?

A raised lesion filled with pus. A pustule is usually the result of an infection, such as acne, imptigeo, or boils.

What does a vesicle mainly do?

A vesicle is a small small, bubblelike structure at the tip of an axon that releases neurotransmitters to carry nerve impulses across the synapse between two neurons.