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A pet is a animal that humans have. A wild animal is a animal that lives outdoors.

A bear is a wild animal.

A cat is a pet.

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Q: What is the difference between a pet and a wild animal?
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What is the difference between a micro pet and a normal pet?

the difference between a micro pet and a normal pet is that a micro pet is a really small animal such as a micro pig and a normal animal is a animal just like a normal person normal size normal wight and that is the difference between a normal animal and a micro animal.

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In my opinion, no wild animal should be kept as a pet, excepting zoos. But there are stupid people out there who do.

What is a wild animal that people keep as a pet?

a monkey could be kept as a pet

What is the difference between a wildcat and a wild cat?

A wildcat is something that is not a pet aka lions or tigers. A cat is usually a pet cat not something that lives in an alley.

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Any wild animal kept as a pet has the potential to be dangerous.

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Technically an exotic is an animal kept as a pet that is not native to the country you live in. It is also an animal that most would consider a wild animal.

Is a honey badger considered a pet?

No, it's a wild animal.

What is the difference between pet type and breed?

The difference between pet type and breed is that pet type refers to the general category of animal, such as dog or cat, while breed refers to a specific group within that category with distinct characteristics, such as a Labrador Retriever or Siamese cat.

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if a pet in there little hermie hut if wild animal i have no idea

What are the basic needs of a pet and a wild animal?

food, shelter, and space or climate?