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The political intent and impact

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Q: What is the difference between a personal right and a political right?
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What the difference between a personal right and a political right?

The political intent and impact

What is the difference between a real right and a personal right?

a real right is something that is given to a human being at birth whilst a personal right is difined as right that one has as a humanbeing e.g a right to talk, right to eat

Is an example of conflict between one person's right to free speech and another person's right to safety and personal autonomy?

Recent debates over hate speech (speech expressing hatred or intolerance of other social groups) demonstrate the tension between political and personal rights. At what point does the political right to free speech become speech that threatens another individual's right to life and personal safety?

What is the difference between ethics and etiquette?

ethics is about personal behaviour right or wrong, but etiquette is about social norms, not about personal, but social standanders. if you use fork rudely, its not unethical, but its not a good etiquette.

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IS If there is right to live there should be right to death?

That's a matter of personal, religious, ethical, and political debate. There is no single answer to such a question.

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There is as such no difference between them

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Morals are related to personal character and belief as to what is right and wrong. Ethics are the proper behavior regarding the social system where morals are applied.

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There is a type of puzzle named spot the difference

Is there a difference between right cylinder and cylinder?

yes ones on the right

Difference between fundamental rights and fundamental duty?

difference between duty and right difference between duty and right my answer is: duty is an obligation while right is freedom to exercise a duty like voting. there is a "moral" duty to vote but the right to ignore that duty [ obligation ] to your peril i might add

What is the difference between classical and modern political theory?

Classical or premodern political philosophy might be characterized by the search for right order, modern political philosophy by the search for order simplicitor, and postmodern political philosophy by giving up on the search for order altogether (moral, immoral, or amoral) (but perhaps this last is starting to change?).