A home computer is for using your personal accounts and networking sites. For playing games, backing up pictures, basically for personal use. An industrial computer is for military or professinal use. Its a computer capable of surveying, cartographying, and much more.
The difference between desktop computer and personal computer is that desktop computer is for everyone and personal computer is for your own self!
In a consumer market the consumer uses the product for personal use but in an industrial market the industry uses the products as supplys or/ and to do operations
A PLC is a programmable logic computer, used in process control and various other industrial applications. A PC is your standard personal computer or Desktop
Difference between industrial and commercial buying
what is the difference between a 'traditional' and a 'personal' CV
industrial is a material
different between agricultural development and industrial development
They are both computers the difference is that they use different kind of software and cannot be compatible with each other. So you cannot make your car computer play mp3 or something like that.
A server network is a computer that links devices together. and a desktop is known as a PC(Personal Computer) for a home user, business, etc use.
industrial and commercial occupation
industrial is work. Consumer is buy.