Dietician schools focuses more on the science behind different food. Nutritionist school emphasizes on the teaching of eating habits.
A dietitian is someone who has at least a 4 year degree in the field of dietetics or nutrition. They are also required to complete an internship and pass certain tests. A nutritionist is a more broad term that can cover any array of persons who have received a degree, or even people who just have learned a large amount about nutrition. So basically, a dietitian typically has more schooling and knowledge than a nutritionist.
4 years of university and 1 year of internship.
It depends on what kind of nutritionist you are!
A public health nutritionist is a nutritionist that is available to the public. These nutritionists are there to help people make good decisions.
You need about two years to become a nutritionist.
Monthly salaries for Nutritionist in Malaysia range from 2000 to 2500 per month for and entry level position as a nutritionist.
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Robert Atkins - nutritionist - died on 2003-04-17.
Robert Atkins - nutritionist - was born on 1930-10-17.
A nutritionist is a broad term that describes one who could have a degree in nutrition -- a 4-yr degree or a doctorate degree; and/or experience in nutrition; or someone who picked up a book, read it and declared him/herself to be a nutritionist, and anyone in between these two descriptions. A registered dietitian is one who has met specific requirements that represent this title. S/he has at least a four-year degree in nutrition, dietetics, or a closely related field, has completed an internship and has passed an examination. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::D
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