Tera = 1,000,000,000,000 units
Giga = 1,000,000,000 units
Mega = 1,000,000 units
kilo = 1,000 units
hecto = 100 units
deca = 10 units
deci = 1/10 unit
centi = 1/100 unit
milli = 1/1,000 unit
micro= 1/1,000,000 unit
nano = 1/1,000,000,000 unit
pico = 1/1,000,000,000,000 unit
500 seconds equals how many giga seconds? the answer is 0.0000005
There are 1,000,000,000 litres in a gigaliter.
A giga-micron is one billion microns. A micron is the informal term for a micrometer, or one-millionth of a meter. Doing some math, 10^9 - 10^6 = 10^3, or 1,000 meters.
Hertz is the measurement. A Mega and a Giga is the unit of measurement of a Hertz.
The prefix giga means a billion (a thousand millions).
Tera represents 10^12, giga represents 10^9, mega represents 10^6, kilo represents 10^3, hecto represents 10^2, and deca represents 10. These prefixes are used to indicate multiples of 10 in the International System of Units (SI).
yotta- zetta- exa- peta- tera- giga- mega- kilo- hecto- deca- deci- centi- milli- micro- nano- pico- femto- atto- zepto- yocto-
Factor Name Symbol1024 yotta Y1021 zetta Z1018 exa E1015 peta P1012 tera T109 giga G106 mega M103 kilo k102 hecto h101 deca da10-1 deci d10-2 centi c10-3 milli m10-6 micro µ10-9 nano n10-12 pico p10-15 femto f10-18 atto a10-21 zepto z10-24 yocto y
Depends on what magnitude you are talking about. 10^12 = Tera 10^9 = Giga 10^6 = Mega 10^3 = Kilo 10^2 = Hecto 10^1 = Deca 10^-1 = deci 10^-2 = centi 10^-3 = milli 10^-6 = micro 10^-9 = nano 10^-12 = pico 10^-15 = femto
T itleA xisI ntervalsL abelS cale
well the list of prefixes are as following in the "10 system" (metric length and so on) deka- hecto- kilo- giga- tera- peta- exa- zetta- yotta- In the binary system (bytes, hertz) deka and hecto are not used. So after gigahertz is terahertz then petahertz and so on Only missed "mega-" in the listed base 10 order of power. It goes ...kilo- mega- giga-... deka = 10 hecto = 100 kilo = 1,000 mega = 1,000,000 giga = 1,000,000,000 tera = 1,000,000,000,000 etc.
Here is a little chart for you.pico,nano,micro, milli, centi,deci,base,deca,hecto,kilo,mega,giga,terra.micro to centi is two jumps so you would multiply by 10000
Tera tonne = 1,000,000,000,000 tonne Giga tonne = 1,000,000,000 tonne Mega tonne= 1,000,000 tonne kilo tonne = 1,000 tonne hecto tonne = 100 tonne deca tonne = 10 tonne
if the base is 100, Dekka is 101, Hecto is 102, Kilo is 103 and there are many more including giga and mega
Yes... Deca- means times 10. Hecto- means times 100. Kilo- means times 1000. Mega- means times 1,000,000. Giga- means times 1,000,000,000. Tera- means times 1,000,000,000,000. Deci- means divided by 10. Centi- means divided by 100. Milli- means divided by 1000. Micro- means divided by 1,000,000. Nano- means divided by 1,000,000,000. Pico- means divided by 1,000,000,000,000. Femto- means divided by 1,000,000,000,000,000.
They are yocto (septillionth) zepto (sextillionth) atto (quintillionth) femto (quadrillionth) pico (trillionth) nano (billionth) micro (millionth) milli (thousandth) centi (hundredth) deci (tenth) UNIT deca (ten) hecto (hundred) kilo (thousand) mega (million) giga (billion) tera (trillion) peta (quadrillion) exa (quintillion) zetta (sextillion) yotta (septillion).
A hyper-coaster is a large roller coaster that has a lift hill height of at least 200 feet. A giga-coaster is larger, with a lift hill of at least 300 feet.