one is magnetized and the other isn't! sorry for a bad answer but i cant find it in my textbook. ps im in 6th grade!
An unmagnetized piece of iron does not have a net magnetic field, so its magnetic domains are randomly oriented. When magnetized, the domains align in the direction of the external magnetic field, creating a stronger magnetic field. Magnetized iron can attract other magnetic materials and retain its magnetism once the external field is removed, unlike unmagnetized iron.
A soft iron bar can be magnetized temporarily in the presence of a magnetic field and loses its magnetism once the field is removed. A magnet structure, on the other hand, retains its magnetism even without an external magnetic field due to its aligned atomic structure.
Magnetic materials are materials that can be magnetized and can create a magnetic field, such as iron and nickel. Non-magnetic materials do not respond to magnetic fields and cannot be magnetized, such as wood and plastic.
Yes, iron can be magnetized. When exposed to a magnetic field, the magnetic domains in iron align to create a magnetic field of its own. This causes iron to exhibit magnetic properties.
Iron is a good metal conductor that can be easily magnetized. When placed in a magnetic field, iron becomes magnetized and can then attract or repel other materials.
An unmagnetized piece of iron does not have a net magnetic field, so its magnetic domains are randomly oriented. When magnetized, the domains align in the direction of the external magnetic field, creating a stronger magnetic field. Magnetized iron can attract other magnetic materials and retain its magnetism once the external field is removed, unlike unmagnetized iron.
A soft iron bar can be magnetized temporarily in the presence of a magnetic field and loses its magnetism once the field is removed. A magnet structure, on the other hand, retains its magnetism even without an external magnetic field due to its aligned atomic structure.
Yes. In this case, the magnet will induce magnetism in the iron, which is originally unmagnetized. Once the magnet is removed, the iron may return to an unmagnetized state; unless the magnetic field near the piece of iron is very strong.
It was in around 1734, that Swedenborg, a Swedish scientist brought to notice the differences between a magnetized piece of iron and an unmagnetized one. The magnetic substance that was discovered for the first time ever was magnetite. But Louis Neel, a French physicist disapproved this discovery by coming up with the concept of ferromagnetism.
Magnetic materials are materials that can be magnetized and can create a magnetic field, such as iron and nickel. Non-magnetic materials do not respond to magnetic fields and cannot be magnetized, such as wood and plastic.
In a magnetized material, the iron atoms align their magnetic fields in the same direction, creating a net magnetic field. This allows the material to attract or repel other magnets. In an unmagnetized material, the iron atoms have random magnetic orientations, resulting in no net magnetic field.
Iron is a magnetic element therefore it will be attracted by a magnet.
It will stick to either pole, providede that the iron is not magnetized and that it is not above the Curie temperature (the temperature above which iron can no longer be magnetized, named after Marie and Pierre Curie).
The not magnetized rod will be attracted by both of the magnetized rods.