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10mo ago

A longhouse is a large, communal dwelling usually made of wood and shared by multiple families or clans, commonly found in Native American cultures of the Northeastern United States and Canada. A wigwam is a dome-shaped, temporary shelter made of wooden poles covered in bark or mats, traditionally used by Native American tribes in the Great Lakes region and Northeastern Woodlands.

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Q: What is the difference between a longhouse and a wigwam?
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What is a sentence using the word longhouse?

A longhouse is long and a wigwam is round.

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A wigwam or longhouse could be described as an oval hut

Similarities between a tipi and a wigwam?

No, the word wigwam specifically refers to a dwelling covered in birchbark. A hut, such as those used by the Carib and Arawak people of northern Brazil, is generally made of timber, reeds or other material roofed with thatch.

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A Iroquois home is a longhouse and a Algonquian's house is round.

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The Iroquois lived in longhouses. The residents of a longhouse were all related. The related families formed a clan. There could be as many as 60 people living in a structure that could be 100 feet long. The structure was called a longhouse, because if was longer than it was wide.

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dont know try somewhere else one is made of planks and one of logs?

How does a wigwam compare to a longhouse?

A wigwam is a dome shaped home that the natives lived in created by bark, deerskin or mud and grass. A wigwam can only contain one family and a longhouse is a huge area where a large amount of natives can live and sleep. It gives each of them a lot of shelter.

What type of shelter do indans use?

Well if your talking about Native American Indian's it really depends on which Indians your talking about because they have different types shelters. :) Wigwam: a wigwam is a dome-shaped shelter that is made of bark. Made by north American Indians Longhouse: A long house is a traditional Iroquois shelter tepee: is a cone-shaped tent.

How are native American longhouses different from wigwams?

A longhouse is technically a wigwam, but a wigwam is not always a longhouse.The term "wigwam" refers to dwellings of any shape that are covered in birch-bark, including longhouses. But wigwams can also be small and cone-shaped, or small and domed.The word wigwam derives from many different Algonquian languages of the north-eastern cultural region: Mi'kmaq wikuom, Mahican wiqâhm, Ojibwe wiigiwaam and so on). All are derived from the respective words for birchbark (for example Ojibwe wiigwaas).So if a dwelling was in the eastern woodlands and was covered in birchbark it was a wigwam, no matter what shape it happened to be.See links below for images:

What is the difference between wickiups and wigwams?

The difference between a wigwam and a wikiup is in the languages of the Native Americans who built them, rather than in the structures. The two words mean the same thing: a structure made with a frame that is usually arched, and covered with whatever material was available (such as matting or animal skins). There is a lot of variation in the materials used. Both words ("wigwam" and "wikiup") have been imported into English, but from different Native American languages.

What is a good sentence with the word wigwam?

A wigwam is usually round-topped. The wigwam beckons, as I am sleepy.

What is a sentence for wigwam?

The Native American family lived in a traditional wigwam made of bark and poles.