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a Hangfish has:

a single nostril at the tip of its snout

and has sensory tentacles around its mouth

as well as slime glands and 1 pair of gill openings.

A Lamprey has :

a mouth lined with teeth

a single nostril at the top if his head

7 pairs of gill openings

and no slime glands

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13y ago
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9y ago

These two fishes are considered jawless fishes and represent on of the earliest developments in vertebrates.

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14y ago

The jawless condition.

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Q: What is the difference between a lamprey and a hag-fish?
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What is an example of an jaw less fish?

Hagfish and lampreys.

What are some jawless animals?

The lamprey the hagfish and the worm

What is the difference between hagfish and lancelets?

bony jaws

What is the difference between ray finned fish and a hagfish?

the fins.

What are agnathas?

Agnathas are a class of jawless fish in the phylum chordata. The group includes species such as hagfish and lamprey.

Do Cyclostomata lamprey eels and hagfish feed on other fish or invertebrates?

Hagfish and lampreys are apart of Agnatha which means jawless fish. Hagfish are a parasite fish but can be free swimming. Both jawless fish will feed on carcasses on the bottom of the seafloor.

What are parasitic fish?

Lamprey, hagfish suck body fluids from the host fish after rasping a hole in the side of the body.

Is there an animal in this hole world that has no bones?

Plenty! eg. sharks, lamprey, hagfish, worms, flat worms, sponges, snails, octopus.....

Which class of fishes does a lamprey belong?

Lampreys are in the superclass Agnatha, jawless fish. They are of the class Cyclostomata, which includes hagfish, as opposed to the extinct Ostracoderms.

Is a lamprey a Jawless?

Yes, lampreys are jawless fish. So are hagfish. Lampreys and hagfish have slender, eel-like bodies without scales. They do not have paired appendages, and, of course, they lack jaws. They have cartilaginous skeletons and often do not have vertebrae.

What vertebrates don't have jaws?

Lampreys and hagfishes are the only jawless vertebrates to survive today. They both have a round mouth and for this reason are often referred to as cyclostomes.

What would fish look like if they belong to class Agnatha?

n. 1. a class of eel-shaped chordates with a cartilaginous skeleton lacking jaws, scales, and pelvic fins. Among these are the lampreys and hagfishes. There are some extinct forms.