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You get a human skeleton from a human (Homo sapiens sapiens), and you get a dog skeleton from a dog (Canis lupus familiaris).

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8mo ago

The main difference between a human skeleton and a dog's skeleton is the size and shape of certain bones. Dogs have longer shoulder blades, rib cages, and tails compared to humans. Additionally, the bones in a dog's front legs, or forelimbs, are more elongated and bear more weight than a human's arms.

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Q: What is the difference between a human skeleton and a dog's skeleton?
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What is the density of a dogs skeleton?

The same as it is for humans. Once we are buried, there we stay. Our skeletons remain where we're laid to rest. The same goes for dogs. Unless we are moved by human hands, or in the wild, possibly by another animal, both a human and dog's skeleton stays where he lays last.

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Can you give human vitamin C capsules to a 2 year old female Staffordshire bull terrier for a UTI?

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What is the differences between human and dogs eye?

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