A "hoe" is a farming/gardening tool while a "ho" is urban slang for the word w-ho-re (pronounced hore).
Singulaar ; hoe Plural ; ho-es ( NOT hose, this is a flexible tube for liquids).
The plural form for the noun hoe is hoes.
You can use a hoe to dig a place for trees in your backyard.
She enjoys doing 'spot the difference' puzzles.There is a difference between happy and sad.What is the difference between these two cakes?
what is the difference between ERD and UML Flowcharts.
hoe, hoe, hoe
One homophone for "hoe" is "ho."
Hoe is a homophone for ho.
Ho Yuen Hoe was born on 1908-02-18.
Ho Yuen Hoe died on 2006-01-11.
5 - 3 = 2 so he would have 2 apples ----- This may be a trick question. If it is, Hoe and Ho are homynyms, so you'd have to check the spelling. Ho actually has 3 apples since he took 3 away from Hoe.
It is pronounced "ho hoe ba" (ho as in pot, hoe as in goat, ba as in bat)
justin bieber is not a hoe
certainly not a hoe.
Singulaar ; hoe Plural ; ho-es ( NOT hose, this is a flexible tube for liquids).
They are different sizes.
Singapore is a place, Ho Chi Minh was a man.