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HACKER-A Hacker is generally someone who just likes to know exactly how things work or how things can be done. They don't want to cause any harm, but rather explore, experiment, and gain knowledge

A Hacker enters your computer and views all your personal files without your permission

ATTACKER-Attacker is someone who wants to actually attack your computer or cause harm. Attacker also enters your computer without permission but not only he views them , he will cause serious damage to your computer as well as your profiles on other networks.

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Q: What is the difference between a hacker and attacker?
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Man-In-The-Middle: An attack in which communications between two hosts are routed through the attacker's host. The attacker can observe, modify, and/or block selected traffic before relaying to the intended host. Communications between the target hosts appear normal.Replay: An attack in which a copy of communications between two hosts is obtained by the attacker. The attacker retransmits selected portions of the copied communications at a later time for nefarious purposes such as creating duplicate transactions, circumventing authentication, etc.diffrent: a replay attack is a more specific type of man-in-the-middle attack. I view the biggest difference in the intent. In the man-in-the-middle attack the intent is simply to capture the data, but in a replay attack the intent is to reuse the data in an an attack.

Is it possible to get hacked if the hacker doesnt know any of your info?

First of all, the hacker has no reason to hack you unless some important files are on your computer, and we're talking about super-important sensitive government documents, not school projects. And no, the hacker can't hack you if he doesn't have any of your information. The only way you can get hacked is when you get a rootkit/backdoor virus which gives the attacker control over your computer or if a hacker is messing around with random IP adresses and attacks yours.

Which type of attack involves an attacker controlling the converstation between two victims without them knowing?

A man-in-the-middle attack involves an attacker intercepting and controlling the communication between two victims without their knowledge. This allows the attacker to eavesdrop, modify, or manipulate the communication between the victims for malicious purposes.

What is the difference between an attacker and a defender?

the difference is that an attacker tries to get the ball of the other team to score a goal or pas to their other team members,as the defenders defend the attackers to try to stop them get the ball to pass or score a goal. so if the defenders does a good job and get the ball, they will be able to pass to their other team mates and successfully score a goal and archive their goals an possibly win the game!:)

What is the difference between survivors and the rest of duel master creatures?

Survivors share their abilities.For eg. Blazosaur Q has power attacker +1000 Gigaling Q has Slayer Gallia Lohl Iron Gaurdian Q has blocker. If all of them are in the battle zone three of them have Power attacker+1000,Slayer and Blocker

What is the receiver attacker?

A receiver attacker is a type of cybersecurity threat where an attacker intercepts or captures data transmitted between a sender and a receiver. This attack can lead to sensitive information being stolen or manipulated by the attacker. It is important to implement encryption and secure communication protocols to protect against receiver attacks.

What is the difference between a cracker and hacker?

A hacker is a programmer who enjoys the challenge of breaking into other computers but does no harm, true hackers have a code of ethics and look down upon crackers.A Cracker is a programmer who cracks (gain unauthorized access to) computers to do malicious things such as steal information or delete information.

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The hackers are more interested in gaining knowledge about computer systems and possibly using this knowledge for playful pranks, While Pirate is a criminal or robber at sea.

What is difference between a skilled hacker and unskilled hacker?

The differences are many, but one major difference is the fact that most skilled hackers can make their own backdoor programs, where as an unskilled hacker, AKA a 'script kiddie' needs to rely on programs that they find online. Also, from a psychological perspective, most skilled hackers are very good at not being found while they are inside a system, because they don't want to be found, and they know what they are looking for. A script kiddie, on the other hand, do not know how to cover their tracks, and most of them probably don't care. They just think it's cool to get inside a system and look around. Skilled hackers have a goal, where as most unskilled hackers do not.

What are the difference between attacker and stricker in football game?

the attaker location is not in the goal keeper zone ,but the striker always in the front and he tries to not be offside that why the striker scores a lot of goals more than the attaker.