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you are the difference between a flower and grass

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Mushrooms have what is called an annulus around the top of the stalk and toadstools don't

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The mushroom cannot make it's own food but the grass can make it's own food

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Q: What is the difference between a grass and flowers?
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Grass flowers do not have strong fragrances or bright colors. How might these characteristics be related to the way by which grass flowers are pollinated?

Grasses and grains are wind-pollinated, and plants are seed pollinated. There is a difference.

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What is the difference between turf grass and real grass?

Turf Is Thicker And Grass Feels Thinner

What is the difference between reincarnation flowers from flowers?

You need to elaborate more on the question

What is the difference between plants with flowers an plants without flower?

the plants without flowers HAVE no flowers ! and the plants with flowers DO HAVE flowers :P

What grows faster grass or flowers?

Grass grows faster than flowers

What is the difference between stitch grass and Johnson grass?

one is yellow and the other is pink

What are two other natural resources then grass trees and flowers?

it is flowers grass and trees

What are Zoysia flowers?

The flowers of Zoysia grass.

What is the difference between alfa grass and coastal Bermuda?

Alfalfa is a legume and higher in protein. Bermuda is a grass.

Grass flowers do not have strong fragrances or bright colors How might these characteristics be related to the way by which grass flowers are pollinated?

Grass flowers' lack of strong fragrances and bright colors is likely related to their method of wind pollination. Wind-pollinated plants do not rely on attracting pollinators with scent or color; instead, they release large amounts of lightweight pollen into the air to be carried by the wind to neighboring flowers. This strategy is more efficient for grass flowers, as it allows for widespread dispersal of pollen for successful pollination.

What is the difference between Cutting the grass or mowing the lawn?

Basically there is no difference. Ordinary people cut their grass, those with social aspirations mow their lawn or have a gardener to do it for them.