"Gender" is just what you are in general, whether you are male or female. Trans is a prefex that means across. Like a Transaction is to take money, for example, and put it to another place. So transgender is going across the gender one is. So a transgender male wants and tries to be a female.
Sex is the actual genitalia you are born with that classify you as male or female, and gender is your role is society.
As far as job-hunting goes, they're the same thing. One's gender means one's sex: male or female.
difference between cro and powerscope?
There is no difference between the two products.
the difference between activity and experiment is ...experiment is do
Cisgender individuals identify with the gender they were assigned at birth, while transgender individuals identify with a gender different from their assigned one. This difference in gender identity can lead to unique experiences and challenges for each group.
Gender Identity (the gender you consider yourself to be) has nothing to do with sexual orientation (the gender you are attracted to); therefor, a girl who considers herself male is an FTM transgender who can "like" boys or girls. Just like a biological man can be attracted to men or women. There is no difference between a transman and a genetic man aside from his chromosomes.
Gay is being sexually attracted to someone of the same sex as you, transgender is identifying a different gender than that listed on your birth certificate. A transgender person can be attracted to someone the same gender as the one they themselves were assigned at birth, so from a certain point of view it may look like gay and transgender people are the same. The difference is that a gay man still identifies primarily as male.
Yes, a transgender person can undergo hormone replacement therapy to align their physical characteristics with their gender identity.
Being transgender isn't something someone wants, it is something you are - just like being cisgender. Your body is that of your sex or gender, you don't have to go through hormone treatment or surgery when you are transgender - transgender means your gender is not that which was assigned at birth.
Love is a feeling (emotion) gender is what sex a person is
Well, of course transgender people exist. It's not like they're mythical creatures or something. People can identify with a gender different from the one assigned to them at birth. It's not rocket science, it's just basic human diversity.
A transgender person is someone who's gender is different to that which they were assigned at birth - they do not have a 'new gender', they were always that gender. A trans person should be able to access the bathroom that matches their gender: e.g. a trans woman should be able to use the women's bathroom just like cis women.
Class has nothing to do with gender or sexual identity.
Your gender identity has nothing to do with her religious beliefs.
You would be considered a transgender.
The difference between straight and gay partners is their gender attraction. Straight people are attracted the opposite gender for their partners, whereas gay people are attracted to their own gender.