I click the arrow to navigate and it takes me to a completely different question.... what a load of bull
An informal outline is a rough sketch of main ideas and supporting details, often in list form, used to organize thoughts before writing. A modified outline is a more detailed version that includes headings, subheadings, and even sentences or phrases to guide the structure and content of a written document. Modified outlines are typically more formal and comprehensive than informal outlines.
What is the difference between a list and an outlin?
What is the difference between a list and an outlin?
an formal outline must begin with Roman numeral
The outline contians only the chapter and section headings from the textbook.
nothing at all
prewriting is free writing what you know about a subject, an outline is a formal list with organization and flow.
You should use a modified outline when you need to adapt a basic outline structure to fit the specific requirements of your project or when you want to add more detailed information and subpoints to enhance clarity and organization. Modifying an outline allows you to customize it to better suit the content you are working with.
When you're organizing a formal essay.
A topic sentence essentially presents the main idea. An outline sentence, on the other hand, gives the summary or plan.