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In The Bible you will not find much distinction if any concerning the elder and pastor. There is a passage that says, "The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching" (1 Tim 5:17). Apparently some elders did not preach and teach; however, a pastor always teaches and preaches since he is called to feel the flock the Word of God.

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An elder is a leadership position within a church that involves providing guidance and oversight to the congregation. A pastor is typically a specific role within a church responsible for providing spiritual leadership, pastoral care, and preaching. In some churches, elders may also serve as pastors, while in others, pastors are not necessarily elders.

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Q: What is the difference between a elder and a pastor?
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The word "pastors" is only in the New Testament once. The word "pastor" in its singular use is never used. No one person in the New Testament is called a pastor. This term and its use by many Christian people is totally misunderstood and misused. The terms "elder, teacher, overseer, bishop, presbytery, shepherd, and pastor" all mean the exact same. Never was there a paid or salaried pastor in the New Testament. No one elder ever stood out above the others. They functioned as a team.

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